Constabulary Notes From All Over
The industrial hell-pit west of campus now has a slogan on the construction fence: “Renewing the Foundations of Excellence.” Shall we extend the metaphor? Is it that the bottom part of excellence was rotting out, and excellence was beginning to list to starboard?
The only thing dumber than the chorus of people insisting that Watchmen is ART is the chorus of people insisting that Watchmen can’t be ART. I read it for the first time the other day, because I’m only a pretend member of my generation, and it seemed to tickle the viscera and the cerebrum pretty equally, which is what you want, right? It just doesn’t happen that often.
There are worse things in history than the Latin American guerrilla movements, but I’m still not sure about celebrating them, kitschily or otherwise, especially not while eating a melted brie sandwich; yet the guerrilla-themed cafe does have the best melted sandwiches around, and the people are nice and the waffles are also tasty, so: put up and shut up and eat the food.
Watchmen art Art