<= 2008.06.29

2008.07.02 =>

Jo Soc un Os

We like Cafè de les Delicies on the Rambla del Raval (a wide local street which was a slum block until 2000, when they demolished it in order to make way for the Universe of Cheap Turkish Food). Usually there are only a few people inside, talking about computers, and a sassy Catalan barista who is not too sassy to bring you your tasty drinks (for me, espresso before six and wine after) with alacrity. This is on the men’s room door:

The bear seems to have come first. Then we have the anteater (lit. “ant-bear”), a marmot, a mouse and a I-don’t-know-what-I-am. Everyone is speaking Catalan except the marmot, which speaks your standard Castilian Spanish.


<= 2008.06.29

2008.07.02 =>

up (2008.07)