<= 2004.03.30

2004.04.05 =>

another month down time's maw

Vu sent around this article from Salon: The confessions of a semi-successful author. You have to watch a Flash ad to see the whole thing, but it's worth it if you're curious about the true grotesquerie of the situation. It may not be too odious an ad; mine was for Sigur Ros. The fact that Sigur Ros, unlike any of the contemporary authors you or I like, has money to spend on this sort of Web promotion is revealing in itself.

György Ligeti sez, re: composing music in the artistically repressive Hungary of the 1960s, "To write for one's bottom drawer was considered an honor." It's easier, I think, to maintain the idea of resistance against a totalitarian society that sees your work as dangerous, as opposed to a mercantile society that just can't be bothered to care. We're a free country: if you can't sell, what the fuck is your problem?


another month down time's maw

Vu sent around this article from Salon: The confessions of a semi-successful author. You have to watch a Flash ad to see the whole thing, but it's worth it if you're curious about the true grotesquerie of the situation. It may not be too odious an ad; mine was for Sigur Ros. The fact that Sigur Ros, unlike any of the contemporary authors you or I like, has money to spend on this sort of Web promotion is revealing in itself.

György Ligeti sez, re: composing music in the artistically repressive Hungary of the 1960s, "To write for one's bottom drawer was considered an honor." It's easier, I think, to maintain the idea of resistance against a totalitarian society that sees your work as dangerous, as opposed to a mercantile society that just can't be bothered to care. We're a free country: if you can't sell, what the fuck is your problem?


<= 2004.03.30

2004.04.05 =>

up (2004.03)