the best days
In preparation for a mobile existence, I have got the laptop up and running again. My desktop is free to a good home. It's perfectly functional, if a little slow, and its slowness is due to the ancient Windows installation rather than any inherent hardware problem. If someone felt like wiping the OS and starting over, it would be a useful little fellow.
Also, while going through my pile of unnecessary CDs that need to be sold at the Record Collector (Velvet Goldmine soundtrack, The Man Who) I happened upon the driver software for the digital camera, which had been AWOL for weeks. So here are new photos, all recent shots of Workshop people.
Bright Ideas (Peyton)
Down the Stairs, Darkly (Peyton)
High Society (Justin, Matt)
Lawnmower Men (Marlowe, McColough)
Lux et Veritas (Vu, Emmons)
The Nature of Things (Peyton, Fred)
No Heroes (Marlowe)
Rhythm (Matt, Aimee)
Take It Like a Man (Marlowe, Vu)
The Dialectic (Fred)
The Gaze (Peyton)
Vision of Hamster (Fred)
And Billy Corgan the gay pirate penguin has an exciting night out in Iowa City.
Billy's Night Out (1)
Billy's Night Out (2)
Billy's Night Out (3)
Billy's Night Out (4)