<= 2002.05.05

2002.05.07 =>

roll around heaven

Marlowe explains about the Times:

The NYT has its own phonebook-size style manual which permits such things. They're fully aware that they're fucking the apostrophes in dates up, they just think it's their prerogative as the NYT. They also refuse the journalistic convention of calling people by last name once mentioned, and insist on calling people Mr. Kerschen, or Mr. Fancypants, as the case may be. Humpty Dumpty from Alice in Wonderland is their Chief Copy Editor.

Spiderman = perfectly reasonable superhero movie, except for some excruciating romance scenes that in time will stand as one of the great shames of Western civilization. The webslinging shots were vertiginous as you please, and Willem Dafoe obviously had far too much fun being the Goblin.

Too much going on at the moment to write further, but I would like to state for the record that a) I feel incredibly young, just now, and b) the weather has conspired to aid me. It's one long idyll in the sunshine.


<= 2002.05.05

2002.05.07 =>

up (2002.05)