<= 2001.10.28

2001.10.30 =>

sylvan scene

So about a week ago we were sitting down by the river, staring at a large bright object in the sky. Some said it was a star; some said it was a plane. We all held up our thumbs beside it and squinted to see whether it was moving, and looked like morons. The bright object is still there. I have determined that it is Jupiter, who has recently moved from Gemini, the sign of his detriment, to Cancer, the sign of his exaltation. Here, this is how it'll screw you up.

Saturday night at the Halloween party, we saw an eerie red glow hovering in the sky above a copse of trees. It looked like someone had painted a vertical strip of sky red. And an equally eerie blue glow was coming from between the trees' trunks. No explanation for that one.


<= 2001.10.28

2001.10.30 =>

up (2001.10)