<= 2001.05.07

2001.06.01 =>

fingernails across the moon

Back again. Hello, Iowa: how dreary your weather is this week. Tucson had highs of 100+ degrees during most of my stay, which is normal: whenever you look at a U.S. weather map there's always that dark red circle hovering over southern Arizona only. It was fine until yesterday morning, when I had to do yard work before my dad drove me to the airport. I was hung over and didn't have time to eat anything and got dehydrated and then drank a bunch of pear juice, which was the only thing around. Predictably, this led to gastric distress on the plane and the woman next to me probably wondered what was going on. And yet I live.

I see that Douglas Adams died while I was out of touch. Ach, there goes my contact lens into the nether regions of my eye. It's skating around my retina now. I haven't really collected myself yet and something's wrong with this email account, so if I haven't written you that's why.

Today will be that sort of day: grocery shopping, paying bills. More better soon, honest: especially once I set up a machine that can run IE without crashing.


<= 2001.05.07

2001.06.01 =>

up (2001.05)