<= 2001.03.11

2001.03.13 =>

rhesus pieces

...resurfacing in San Francisco, where oh my God the weather is so gorgeous that I can say "tra la la" without irony. Tra la la. Though note that financial woes notwithstanding, Pacific Gas & Electric is still able to pay men in orange vests to jackhammer the living hell out of the sidewalk in front of the house, starting at 8:30.

This is only an issue for me because I don't have a job.

Burger King recalls more toys. This one is the Rattling, Rattling Riverboat. It rattles, squeaks, and then pins come loose. This one would be creepy enough even without the choking hazard. I wrote this a year or so ago about the lethal Pokémon.

Prominent book critics reveal what they haven't gotten around to reading. This makes me feel so much better about myself. The New Yorker's Louis Menand writes:

I have started four times but have never gotten past the middle of the second volume of A la Recherche du Temps Perdu and yet (this is the shameful part) this has not prevented me from calling other books "Proustian."

OK, now it is time for me to get in the car and go on down to Stanford, where I bet it's even warmer. If you're at Stanford and reading this, I will find you.


<= 2001.03.11

2001.03.13 =>

up (2001.03)