the adventures of devil duck
Geegaw has had a serious chromatic and lexical incident today. Also note Housecleaning with Albert Camus.
This man is really talented with the Etch-a-Sketch. Now I have seen everything on the Web, and my heart is full.
Tit for tat. We dig tunnels under the Russian embassy, the Russians dig tunnels under ours. There's nothing exactly surprising about this.
The long, strange story of In 1994, a college student is smart enough to realize it's a domain name worth having; in 1995, a convicted felon manages to snake it away and turn it into a porn site. From there it gets weirder. "I think," a lawyer says of the two, for no apparent reason, "if they had met each other in some different forum they would actually be friends."
Sound the alarm bell: I've started work on the second draft of my novel about Central America and math. Only this time it'll be longer and, like, really deep and stuff. In the meantime I'm on the 2000-word-a-day workout, so I'm not sure how that will impact this site. I may get more rambling and self-indulgent, if that's possible.