<= 2006.08.31

2006.09.03 =>

walnutty walnut scone scone

i’m sorry, when you wrote "brown paper bag" i immediately thought "wine-o." how come i can’t access your old archived stuff?

I don’t know; is that archive link on the left not working? If you’re using an old URL, changing www.metameat.net to atem.metameat.net should do the trick. I hope. I don’t necessarily know what I’m doing here.

Conversation over dinner was about oddball questions that one gets during one’s qualifying exams; e.g., “What is the most important word in Huckleberry Finn?” Of course everyone’s first answer is “nigger,” but what if you try to read it from 1884 instead of 2006?—are there other words that aren’t just part of the dialect, that go deeper into the book’s structure?—(insofar as the last third doesn’t completely scuttle that structure)

When I was asked the same question about Ulysses, my two contenders were “mockery” and “parallax,” of course with honorable mention for “Yes.”


<= 2006.08.31

2006.09.03 =>

up (2006.09)