<= 2003.09.20

2003.09.23 =>

you said "open unit ball"

I will say it once more.
The Waiting Game stinks.
Let's play "Hungry Hungry Hippos."

MathWorld at Wolfram Research explains lots of concepts for the curious: e.g., Just what is a manifold?

Mainfolds were a new way of looking at the world, so much so that even defining them sometimes tripped up eminent mathematicians. At Princeton, Simon Bochner, one of the leading analysts of his day and a fine lecturer, used to walk into his graduate classes, start to give a definition of a manifold, get hopelessly bogged down, and finally give up, saying with an exasperated air, before moving on, "Well, you all know what a manifold is."

—Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind (which I think is a lot better than the movie I didn't see)


<= 2003.09.20

2003.09.23 =>

up (2003.09)