<= 2003.01.27

2003.01.29 =>

fee, fi, fo, fum

The comment box appears to claim that this inscription from Ravenna, which I never could translate, reads "The blood of martyrs, Ravenna, is the seed of your faith." This makes sense, and calls to mind that quote from Tertullian's Apologeticum that everyone seems to phrase differently. It appears that what he actually says is "Plures efficimur, quotiens metimur a vobis: semen est sanguis Christianorum," or "The oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed."

I'm glad that hybrids are catching on, but they will never live up to my dream last week where I bought a hybrid car—and the thing no one knew about hybrid cars was that they flew, like the DeLorean in Back to the Future.


<= 2003.01.27

2003.01.29 =>

up (2003.01)