<= 2001.11.10

2001.11.12 =>

style special

Still propagating, nicht wahr? Cool. Also I finally went grocery shopping because I'd been scraping the back of the cupboard and there was nothing left to eat except pasta noodles and brown sugar.

Salon points out that everyone is trying to be Churchill, down to the meter of their speeches, but the President is not pulling it off so well. Like the "This Modern World" about the small cute dog, which is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks.

Here's the bin Laden interview in Dawn (English-language Pakistani newspaper) in which he claims, among other things, to have nuclear and chemical weapons. As a "deterrent," he says. Jesus. For someone who hates the West, he sure knows how to appropriate its rhetoric.

The Red Cross has way too much blood, so they're going to burn it. Ew. I was wondering where it was all going, given that everyone was dead.


<= 2001.11.10

2001.11.12 =>

up (2001.11)